thermoelectric power

[电] 温差电势率



[电] 温差电势率;热电动力
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1·The present invention provides a thermoelectric conversion module and a thermoelectric power generation system.
2·Thermoelectric materials are the basis of thermal-electrical energy conversion (including thermoelectric power generation and refrigeration).
3·In north China, thermoelectric power station is often selected to build. And the pithead power plant is more economical, but the water source must be solved firstly.
4·Secondly, the equipment in Daqing Thermoelectric Power Factory is too old and the automatic level is quite low, therefore the safety problem and the economic problem are significant.
5·"He is obsessed by climate change," said one of his press advisers, who claims that his boss enjoys discussing incandescent light bulbs - and don't get him started on thermoelectric power generation.
6·During these periods of "sleep," New Horizons is powered by a single radioisotope thermoelectric generator and USES less power than a pair of 100-watt household light bulbs.
在这些“睡眠”时期中,新视野号仅仅靠一台放射性同位素热电发生器驱动,而它的耗能还不及一制10 0瓦的家用电灯泡。
7·The two-year solar Soldier project aims to produce a power pack where energy is gathered from a combination of solar cells and thermoelectric devices before it is stored for later use.
8·These two properties define what physicists call the "figure of merit" of a thermoelectric substance, which describes the power a device made of that substance could generate.
9·If such heaters were covered with thermoelectric generators the sun's rays could be put to sequential use. First, electric power would be extracted from them.
10·The amount of power released, he says, is much greater than that predicted by thermoelectric calculations.
更新时间:2025-03-29 11:50